My Apps

Hello, i have written a few android apps for myself which could be used by other people, see below:

Money But Daily

It is a money web app which allows you to spread expenses out over the 'effective' period. For example car insurance is usually yearly but the 'cost' of it shouldn't all occur on the day you bought it.

There is an android app downloadable from my CDN

The web site is static-ly hosted in AWS S3 and the login credentials are just the AWS API credentials which you can create to your own bucket

The source for the website version is at Github and the source for the android app is Github

Notes (Me)

Personally i call the note taking app Me

Nothing much to say but its a categorizing notes. Text only.

The android app is downloadable from my CDN

The source for the website version is at Github and the source for the android app is Github